Tuesday, October 2, 2012


FOR SHELL:- 100 gram flour.

 finely chopped cabbage 200 grams, 100 grams Kisa cheese, finely chopped 1 green pepper, 1/2 inch piece of ginger Kisa, 1/4 tsp black pepper powder, red chilli powder and ajinomoto, 1 tsp soy sauce , taste salt and oil for frying.
Opening Preparation - Take a speaking filtered flour. Create a slurry by adding water as needed. Solution to marinate for an hour, put the flour to flower well


FOR STUFFING: 1 tablespoon oil in pan by pouring hot. The green chili, ginger, add cabbage and cheese. One minute after roasting the black and red pepper powder, ajinomoto, soy sauce and salt and mix well. Prepare the mixture cool.

in the hot pan - some oil Apply. Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture and spoon by pressure with the aid of light, spread as thin chila. Please Csikne on low. To change the color of the upper surface of the shell and start dropping the pan edge, then slowly began to lube up the shell and place on a plate. Now prepare the filling by placing 2 teaspoons, tablespoons diluted in helping spread length. Open the right - left slightly bent Dnken filling. Turning now to the roll axis. Roll up and place on a plate.

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